The Fall of Man RP

[P] The weeping wailing calls you echo in


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Natania the Chaos Eater Avatar

Natania the Chaos Eater

Post by Natania the Chaos Eater on Dec 6, 2020 14:57:12 GMT -5

There were a lot of random, strange noises in the Concrete Jungle... the lawless, restless part of Collinwood's outer border. When a bit of concrete fell in the distance and hit some metal thing that made a quang! noise, Natania barely flinched. She paused, mostly to listen for any other falling debris. Sudden collapses happened in the Concrete Jungle, and they could've been dangerous to her and Batty if they were caught too close. Usually, though, Natania could pick up sounds of collapse with her sensitive ears... as long as Batty was not cackling too loudly.

The hyena attempted to stifle a chuckle behind her, but by then, Natania had finished listening. The two of them picked along a broken path in the streets, seeking to find the outer edges of the 'Jungle so that she could pick the few herbs that grew there, and perhaps cultivate the plant and ensure it would thrive in the coming months. Her tail flicked with interested as she moved silently among the loose chunks of concrete and stone in the street. 

The streets were fanning out now, and it was becoming more obvious they were on the outskirts by the way nature had begun to reclaim this part of the Concrete Jungle so aggressively. Weeds jutted out of cracks in the ground, bushes pushed past and twisted old fences, saplings sprouted up from the concrete like it was an egg that hatched new life. And there was a lot of grass. Long, tall sprouts took over almost whole blocks in some parts. However, the vegetation and life here did not make it any more stable.

As Natania rounded a corner, some pebbles fell in the street before her from above, and in the split second she looked up, a pile of stone and rubble blocked out the light from her vision in that moment. Natania scrambled back just in time for the rubble to hit the street - and luckily, not make a connection with her or Batty. Natania hugged an old parking meter as she looked up the side of the building, ensuring nothing else would fall on her as she passed. The leopard witch sighed, glancing over her shoulder toward her hyena companion. 

"All this rain is not helping the Concrete Jungle thrive... Step lightly, Batty. Unless you want to become like him," Natania said, nodding to the settled pile of rubble. Sticking out from underneath the heavy pile of rocks was the corpse of some kind of canine. Old enough that his skin looked dehydrated and it pulled back away from his gums and teeth, exposing a bit of dirty bone. One of his stiff hands reached for the sky a few feet behind him... probably no longer attached to his body. 

Natania sidestepped the wreckage, and opted to walk in the street for the rest of the way.

Private for ; Set for Apr 22, 2755. Sometime in the afternoon. They're on the outskirts of the Concrete Jungle.


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Battaticka Henfrey Avatar

Battaticka Henfrey

Post by Battaticka Henfrey on Dec 7, 2020 3:13:06 GMT -5

The sky seemed to start to clear up from rain showers earlier in the day as they walked through the area. Course it was probably harder to spot certain plants since they hadn't opened their blossoms just yet for the sunshine peeking through the clouds. With two woven baskets attached to a wooden rod over her shoulder, Batty paced herself a few feet away from the female leopard as they walked so that they could fan out a bit and be able to find herbs and such from among the wreckage left behind from what was mankind's world many years long gone. She also thought it better so that Natania could use her sensitive ears for potential collapses. The most common find on these trips was dandelion as it was growing almost everywhere they walked.

She would let out a momentarily uncontrollable hyena chuckle from time to time. Sometimes she tried to muffle down the noise by covering her mouth with her paw or her arm. It wasn't entirely her fault that this would happen; she didn't see what they were doing as funny, but it just would happen unexpectedly and it couldn't be explained why to either of them even when her partner is in the field of medicine.

The female hyena walked over and glanced at the decaying corpse of the remains of a male canine when signaled by her partner. "Yes Maam," she then responded back toward Natania and did as she was told. It was quite easy to spot it with the swarm of flies flying about it. She was not particularly fond of finding the bodies of poor innocent souls that either got caught by falling debris or eaten by scavengers, leaving behind only but the bones and tiny morsels of rotting flesh. Batty has pretty much gotten used to coming across similar things time to time while out here with her partner in the concrete jungle.

She did recall at one time of finding a group of metallic objects sitting on four rubber wheels that had one or more human-type skeletons, picked clean sometime ago, sitting inside of them. Natania was so wise to note to her partner that these things were called automobiles and humans used to drive them places long ago. Batty praised her back in response for knowing so much about human history even though they were maybe only a year apart in age.

The female hyena then spotted a patch of aloe plants that had broken out from the confines of their ancient pots and had buried their roots in the ground below them. These plants have a number of health benefits and were easy to collect and take back to the medical hut. She cautiously made her way over toward the building, walking over patches of asphalt with some of it's pieces still having painted lines barely visible. Batty let out another uncontrollable chuckle as she pulled off a couple big leaves from its base and placed them in her basket then moved on to catch up with her partner.
Last Edit: Dec 7, 2020 3:13:58 GMT -5 by Battaticka Henfrey


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Natania the Chaos Eater Avatar

Natania the Chaos Eater

Post by Natania the Chaos Eater on Jan 5, 2021 0:43:06 GMT -5

Natania's fur cape flapped behind her as she scanned the street, considering where to stop and collect herbs first. She stopped walking, standing in the middle of a four way intersection - perhaps a dangerous place to stand once upon a time, but now, it didn't not matter. It was a crossroads of energy and wind, and it posed a problem - a dilemma of sorts. Where to go?

Hearing Batty's distant cackles, Natania peered over her shoulder to find the hyena bent over an aloe plant, overflowing out of the stone garden planter in front of a building that had not begun to collapse yet. Natania blinked her intense eyes, and ultimately decided to follow the street where the buildings began to thin out and give way to houses - much less tall structures she had to worry about falling on her. The plus side, though, was that more vegetation grew in these parts.

Long legs took her a ways down the road before she stopped at one house, bending in the grassy yard to gingerly pick at a yarrow plant. "Batty, come. There's much to find here."


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Battaticka Henfrey Avatar

Battaticka Henfrey

Post by Battaticka Henfrey on Jan 9, 2021 0:09:07 GMT -5

As she was just about finished collecting from the aloe plant, the female hyena's ears perked up and twitched toward her employer's direction as she heard Natania call. She turned her head for a moment toward the female leopard and responded back saying, "Coming Maam." Once she turned back to her work, she hoisted up the woven baskets with her wooden rod onto her back then followed after Natania.

After following the chosen path of grasses and broken pieces of asphalt for a time, the duo had exited the high structure ruins and came to a collection of smaller structures that used to be a part of a suburban community. The fear of falling structures was minimum out here, but it was considerably further out. They usually didn't come out this far because of the distance, but this seemed to be one of those rare times.

Natania unexpectedly spotted and picked at a yellow plant before calling over her assistant. Batty came over to her employer's location and lowered the baskets onto the ground to rest her shoulders and looked to what appeared to be a patch of yellow marigolds. She observed some other plants a few feet away and grabbed one of the baskets and walked over. She knelt down to pick some what looked like some sort of mint plants, but she was surprised when she just realized that the plant she was collecting wasn't mint, but was the plant's close cousin catnip. Batty has been known in the past to slip some in her employer's drink relax time to time when she notices that Natania has been working too hard. She grabbed a few plants and slipped them into the basket before her employer would notice then moved onto another area of plants as she let out another uncontrollable chuckle. Whose to say this was either real or just another one of her mental illness.
Last Edit: Jan 9, 2021 0:10:31 GMT -5 by Battaticka Henfrey